
Monday, September 21, 2015

New Soap Batch

On Monday (Sept. 14) I finally made a new batch of soap, my first batch since moving to the farm. I need quite an assortment of scents. This drying rack has: tea tree, lavender, coconut mango, linen, and lemongrass poppyseed.
The coconut mango turned out nicely. It's a popular scent, if rather strong. I use a fragrance oil for that scent. And the swirly pink/red is from paprika mixed into the soap just before pouring it into the mold.
My new white rectangular molds that Adam made me leaked this time when I poured the soap straight into them, so I'll probably need to line them in the future with plastic wrap. It's a shame, but they've bowed slightly over the last few uses, and the joints are no longer tight.
This rack has sandalwood, lavender oatmeal, and lilac soaps.
For some reason those other photos turned out a bit pinkish, but in the photo below you can see the true color of the soaps. The lavender oatmeal has only oatmeal (which is a moisturizer) and no colorants. The lavender has a bit of cocoa powder stirred in. The lemongrass has a nice helping of poppyseeds added for exfoliation.
These soaps will be cured and ready for sale in mid-October. I need to make another batch or two in the next month so they will be cured in time for the holiday season.


  1. They look very good to me! Cool color!

  2. Do you make your soaps from scratch using lye? They all look lovely.

    Happy Living ~ FlowerLady

  3. Wow that is so cool. Love your soaps.

  4. You sound happy and relaxed. :) 'Bout time, eh?


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