
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

After the Deluge

 They had flooding in Oriental.
We had flooding in Bayboro.
The road we take to go anywhere, was under water. But Adam drove down to check on some people and to look at our sailboat. It's fine.
I haven't ventured out into the squashiness much; the ground is mush. But I did take a look at the winter garden. Did it survive the deluge?
Yes, it did!
Our assortment of greens are all up and flourishing. Adam's raised beds have kept their roots out of the standing water. The broccoli is up too. Hopefully we won't have to replant anything this fall. The water is receding, and we're thankful. I got three four days off work, which was a nice rest. Now I'm ready to go back.

Our house was damaged by the rain -- the roof leaked, the ceilings and walls are stained in quite a few places. Adam is emailing back and forth with our contractor, who is obligated to make it right. Not sure when that will happen.


  1. So glad your gardens are looking good. Sorry about your house. That stinks! I hope you are able to get it fixed ASAP. I'm sure contractors are going to be busy, busy, busy after this rain deluge.

  2. Oh so much rain!! Good to hear your garden survived and hope the house problems get fixed quickly.

  3. Glad your veggies survived and that the water is receding. Hope all goes well with the contractor and repairs.


  4. Did you decide to stay at your job or are you just finishing out your two weeks? Good news on the veggie front! Praying for a leak proof roof!

  5. I'm sorry y'all had house damage. It WILL be made right in Jesus' name!


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