
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

More About That Greenhouse ...

Adam's nearly finished the greenhouse.
The structure is complete. He bought plastic sheeting and duct tape to cover it. Right now, however, the weather is too cold (high of 31 degrees today) and windy (brrr!) to put plastic on a hoop house. But ... soon.
We could've bought better plastic for more money. This plastic may last only the first year. But it was at hand, and the package has twice what we need for this hoop house, so Adam can make smaller hoop houses for this next year.
Our goal is to get some plants growing as soon as possible. We can recup our money (which is less than $100) in this greenhouse if we sell plants this spring. We'll grow our own plants for our own summer gardens and sell the excess.
Anywho, on Saturday I came home from the market to find that he'd moved the greenhouse to the back of the field (between the barley field and the back fence) and was beginning to assemble it.
The wood for the front and back came from the ceiling in Anna's little house, so it was free.
The greenhouses' location: from the corner of the fenced field where the house is, you look across through the pine copse to the back of the field. See it back there?
I took the dogs out a minute ago to let them romp. The wet furrows in the winter garden are icy now.
The mustard greens still look good. But this is exactly why we need a greenhouse ... not just for spring plants, but for next fall/winter. This winter garden (haha -- that's  a stretch!) has been a pain. Too wet, wet, wet. Next winter we will have better greens.
greens and ice


  1. Wow! That's impressive. You shall have herbs and veggies galore!

  2. Copse. I love the word "copse." And I love your greenhouse!


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