
Friday, January 15, 2016

Starting the Greenhouse

We've been discussing how to proceed here on the farm. We want to start planting and have early crops, but the compost is not ready to use as soil yet to make raised beds. So Adam decided to build a greenhouse -- a hoop house. Here are the picks thus far:
 He's building it in front of the barn where he has electricity for his saw/drill. But later he will move it (in sections) into the highest part of the field in the full sun.
 He bought a 100 foot coil of black PVC. It was cheaper that way, $25. It ended up being closer to 125 feet long. He cut it into 25-foot lengths. He mounted them to the sides where those short stem walls are.
 It will have a little prop window in the back and a door in the front for ventilation. It is 10 feet long, 8 feet wide, and almost 8 feet tall in the middle
 The wood was given to us by a friend.
 These great metal shelves were also given by this friend; he's closing his restaurant. They will hold the plants we grow there from seed.
They will be up about 2 feet off the ground. Under the shelves will be raised beds. We'll grow plants on the shelves in the spring, and grow crops in the raised beds in the fall/winter.
Above, Adam shows you where the doorway will be. He'll cut off those pieces, of course.
We had such warm temps over Christmas that lots of bulbs are already coming up. They will be fine -- crocuses and daffodils.

Our winter garden. This is the best of the greens (kale, I think) so far.
 It is not curly kale. Something's nibbling it a bit, and it ain't me!
 These are spicy mustard greens.

 We stop by Starbucks every time we're in "big town" to pick up their old coffee grounds for our compost. This is what it looks like in the bag:
 Adam's composting proceeds apace. It is his favorite farm activity. That's the big trash bag of coffee grounds in the front, to give you some scale.
 Our bees are doing fine this winter. Adam put wads of grass in their gates to keep the cold winter winds out of their hives. But in December the bees chewed it all up and carried it away! He'll need to put sticks on there instead.
It's a quiet time on the farm. Too wet to burn our burn piles. Next time I'll share more pics of the orchard.


  1. Always something to keep you busy! Everything's so green! We're finally having winter, but it seems to be passing quickly. It'll be spring before we know it!

  2. You two are moving right along. It's interesting and I enjoy reading about your life on the farm.

    Have a nice Sunday ~ FlowerLady


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