
Friday, February 26, 2016

Late February: What's Blooming Now


A crab apple tree

Our one Japanese magnolia
You see we had stormy weather today
The sedum continues to erupt under the straw.
Our southern camellia has been in full bloom for a while. They bloom in January. But a recent deep freeze zapped it.
So many perfect blooms, brown and wasted
 But the flowers that have opened since that freeze look wonderful.
And that daffodil bud I recently showed you ... bloomed overnight.


  1. I thought my favorite season was Autumn, but remembering these early bloomers makes me maybe rethink. Beautiful

  2. Looks like spring around you. Not here!! Snowing again.

  3. What lovely blooms! My favorite is your magnolia.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  4. Blooms are SO encouraging. We won't have any for quite some time, but we DO have blue skies and sunshine!
    I hope you aren't getting too worn out, sweet friend.

  5. That is the best picture of a dandelion flower I have ever seen! I don't think I will ever look at a dandelion the same way again. Spring is coming on colorfully at Red Robin Farm!

  6. I love magnolias. I think it is amazing that the tree can produce and carry so many large blooms.


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