
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Farm Records: Late March

Dog Update: Gracie's owners have been found. Her name is really Joy. I'm sure they have joy in having her back home, but we will be more lonely than we were before if possible. The dog hunt must continue.

Broccoli is looking rather limp and pathetic. I think it doesn't like the warmth of the greenhouse, but it's not sturdy enough to plant outside yet.

On 3/24 I reseeded lots of tomatoes that hadn't germinated. The plants we have look very healthy.
The tomatoes started in the greenhouse have done better than the ones started in the barn. The greenhouse ones were mostly started in individual pots; the barn ones were started in black plastic cells. The difference is quite striking. The germination rate is much better in the individual pots, even if they're plastic.

I replanted Blue Lake green beans in their mounds. Only one had germinated and come up.

I put dill seed I harvested last July into the herb bed under a layer of moist straw.

There appears to be a random volunteer cucumber seedling in the snap pea bed. I wonder if it will fare better than the one in the greenhouse.

All the peas are doing well.

Soaked a packet of moon flower seeds in water and planted them near the pasture fence . A friend sent them to me years ago. I can't wait to see what they do.

We've been watering with "worm tea" the last couple of days. Adam collected worm casings and put them in water to soak, and then we use that water for the plants. It's a "super compost."  The worms are doing very well.


  1. I got seeds and starting mix etc. to start my own seeds, but as the time approaches I'm lazily thinking that maybe I'll go to the local nursery and buy a few started plants! I'm only planting a few things, so it might make more sense. I'm looking forward to seeing your moon flowers! Worm tea...yum! :D

  2. Glad Joy found her home. They perfect dog is waiting somewhere for you. : )

  3. It is good for Joy's owners that she was found safe and happy. You will find the right dog just meant for you and the farm.

    Happy gardening, I do hope the moon flowers were still viable and will grow and bloom for you. They are wonderful flowers!!!

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  4. It's good that Joy is back home now. I expect her owners (as well as Joy) are really grateful that you looked after her so well.

  5. I need to do something about some seeds.
    I've been meaning to leave you another comment regarding your dogs. I left you an epic comment on the original post and as I was on the train, the data signal went and I lost it in the 'this website could not be displayed' message. I am so, so sorry to hear about the awful ordeal of losing them and I hope that you can find a dog or two, even though it won't replace them of course. xxx


Welcome to the farm! Please let me hear from you ~