
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Supper from the Garden

(This is yet another old post that didn't get published in time. Can you tell life it getting away from me?)

Remember than cucumber?
It was followed by a second ...
And then Adam decided to dig a hand into his potato tub, just to see ...
Tonight we started with a light salad of cucumber, tomato, and basil --
all from our garden.
For supper we enjoyed baked chicken, potatoes (two of which were ours!), 
and sweet peas from our garden too.
It was quite satisfying to eat so much of our own food, and I don't feel as if we've really started using the ground to its potential yet at all. Several things failed: the winter garden, the wheat. But many things have succeeded: peas, tomatoes, potatoes, lettuces. We're learning. Tonight's dinner made us feel as if we've done a few things right.

And no ... that chicken was not from our farm.


  1. You two are off to a great start ~ FlowerLady

  2. There you go! I'm so proud of you guys! That fresh dinner looks SO tasty!

  3. What a delicious meal had and all from your own garden. Life is Good. : )

  4. I was wondering about the chicken, lol!
    It is a good feeling, growing your own supper!

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