
Monday, July 11, 2016

Us Against the Cucumbers

Adam and I have said to each other several times, "Next year, fewer cucumber plants!" They're taking over the refrigerator.
He's made about ten large jars of pickles.
But now we've found the Ultimate Cucumber Buster! Adam's delicious cucumber salsa! Evidently it's all the rage on the Yucatan. Well, it's also the rage on the farm.
 It uses up cucumbers and tomatoes, which we're overrun by right now. The recipe is below.
Adam's Delicious Cucumber Salsa:

4 cucumbers, cut into small chunks. Remove the seeds if you want less "gas-effect"
1/2 red onion, cut into small chunks
As many tomatoes as you'd like for color and taste, cut small
Cilantro to taste, chopped
4 cloves of garlic
Juice of 2 limes
Cumin to taste
1/2 cup sour cream
Chopped avocado (optional)

There you go! It's wonderful!


  1. OH my goodness. Can you please send me a shipment of both the pickles and the salsa? Both look SO good.
    And now I'm going to have to ask God's forgiveness for my overwhelming covetousness.

  2. The pickles look great and that salsa recipe sounds and looks delicious. I saved the recipe.

    Enjoy your bounty, your hard work is paying off.


  3. I'm getting flowers on my cucumbers so it shouldn't be long now.

  4. Yum! That salsa sounds very good.

  5. Oh man that looks so good!!!! I love pickled cucumbers!!!


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