
Monday, August 1, 2016

A Wood Floor

I've already told Adam that I know I'm ridiculous, but I just love my "new" wood floor. This house was built in 1922, so this thin pine floor is nearly 100 years old. It was never intended to last this long. This is a sharecropper house, not a big farmhouse or a plantation home. There are dozens of these narrow homes around the county, many fallen into disrepair.

Several boards are damaged, weak, and will need to be repaired. I moved a long rug to cover one hole so we don't put a heel though it.

Adam will sand it all, and then it will get a good protective coat of polyurethane. We'll continue with the other floors in the house. The only thing on them that needs to come off are paint splatters. Then we'll look at the kitchen floor too. Two layers of linoleum cover the kitchen floor. Someday I hope we'll have a house of glowing wood floors. But as it is right now, rough, gouged, striped and splotchy, I love it already.


  1. I love your old floors too.

    Enjoy ~ FlowerLady

  2. Looking good already. I prefer wood to carpets which I seem to be allergic to.

  3. I'm glad you are enjoying the historical old floors. We had only plywood floors in our old log house. I painted them brick red and I liked them even better as they got a bit scuffed and "antiqued". It's all in your perspective, lol.


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