
Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Garden Goes to Sleep

 Dewey asparagus in morning light
 The empty greenhouse
Three gourds, trying to ripen as the year winds to its close.
 And one hangs, like an enormous green dew drop, on the withered vine.
Goldenrod bows gently where the seedlings grew.
 Quite a few volunteer tomatoes will be disappointed when frost comes.
 As some plants wane, some others -- lettuce and collards -- sprout up. (This was days ago, and they are much larger now.)
 Our new pea plants struggled through the hurricane. We hope they will make a recovery. A couple are now blooming.
 This is the road front. Do you see the line in the grass? Adam removed a wooden fence there, posts and rails.
 He planted them around the back veggie garden for a very high, sturdy fence against Ned, the ultimate melon-stealer. The posts wrapped about 1/3 way around the garden. This will be a long-term project to be finished by spring and the new garden plan.
Next year this garden area will look quite different. Every time I stroll into it, a peace steals over me.
In winter, the garden is quiet with only peas, a few stray tomatoes, and some asparagus hoping to become something someday.


  1. I'm so impressed by you and Adam's great vision and all the hard work that sees that vision through! Well done! You're creating something so wonderful!

  2. I still remember when you were starting out. I had every confidence that you would make quick progress. You are lucky to have a nice flat plot to work on.

  3. A garden going to sleep has a special loveliness - I am glad to see these scenes from your special plot of earth in which you have invested so much. It's easy to envision all that will be happening come springtime!


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