
Saturday, October 22, 2016

Up on a Roof!

 The past two days Adam has been on top of the "little building" (as we call it), putting on a new roof.
 He drove to Jacksonville to pick up the new roof materials. Thankfully the weather has turned decidedly cooler.
 He pulled off the old junky metal roof.
 And you know how we are on this farm -- we will definitely repurpose all that metal in some way!
This exposed the wooden roof beneath, which had some rotten spots. You can see one area on the right hand side, near the ridge line.
 He's my hero. I made him pose.
 Then he ripped into the other side that faces the road. You see that the vines have kept encroaching on this structure in spite of Adam's valiant efforts.
 He ordered a nice deep barn red color. I love it!
 He put on the black tar paper yesterday. Then it rained lightly last night, but all is well. Today he got one-half of the new roofing on.
Through an order mix-up, the other half of the materials won't be here for almost two weeks, unfortunately :( But doesn't it look good so far!
 This was supposed to be Adam's "practice run" so he could also put a new roof on the main house later. But this roofing experience has shown him that he is a bit too old and wobbly to attempt the steeper pitch of the main house. So we will buy the same materials over time and find someone to do the labor. This wife is now breathing easier for that decision. I was not eager for the nervous days I'd spend with Adam overhead, skittering around. That's the latest from the farm.


  1. Love steel roofs! And I love the color! :)

  2. Great color! Great 1/2 job. Let's pray all will stay dry until the other half goes up.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  3. wonderful red roof...
    red robin farm, red roof farm!


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