
Saturday, December 3, 2016

Greens Up! Grass Down!

 Adam put his green swags up yesterday. It looks so festive from the road. I always hope that our Christmas decorations cheer drivers as they go by, as they drive home late from a tiring day at work. Maybe it helps them walk in their doors with a happier heart, a calmer soul. We still have wreaths to hang on the house too.
Somewhere along the line, moving from Statesville to Brevard to Oriental, I lost a very large wreath. Makes me sad -- It would look great on one of our buildings. And somehow, somewhere I've also misplaced a box of nice ornaments. I can recall several that are missing, and our tree is noticeably sparse this year. I've searched our attic twice for the ornaments. Adam has hunted in the garage and barn for the wreath. All to no avail!
He loves these big plastic balls for the cedar tree by the front porch.
 He's mowing leaves and pine straw, loading it in the truck, and driving it to his massive compost pile. When he pulls up to the gate, he lets Ned through and lets him ride in the cab, the short distance from the gate to the pile. It's the little things in life that make a puppy happy. Besides, Ned has the sad lot of sleeping alone in the cold barn each night. Adam leaves the night light on for him (Aww!!!), and sometimes the TV too :)
See Ned by the gate?
 Adam backs the truck up to the compost area and rakes the new stuff on.
 He's finished most of our yard, plus the yard of a lady at church. He has one more friend's yard to go.
 It looks so much better with the leaves up!
I've been knitting again, using my big size-19 wooden needles, which are easier on my arthritic hands. These massive, fluffy double infinity scarves are still popular.
I'm selling at the market the next two weeks, and then I'm taking a nice long winter break. I think I'm due. I want my Saturdays at home again with pancakes and hot tea, ohyesIdo. Sales have been slower this year for all the vendors. Not sure why, but it does make one hesitate about devoting so much time and effort to it.
For other doings on the farm, check out a recent post on my other blog, if you haven't read it already.


  1. The scarves definitely make a statement and I can see why they are popular. That's lovely to leave the tv on for your dog. I sometimes leave my heating on for our cat, though her fur coat probably keeps her warmer than we think.

  2. The swags are just perfect for your house! I don't know what would be perfect for my barn of a place... I think I'll just count my one star in the upstairs window as minimalist perfect :-)

    I'm glad you are still able to knit -- is weaving easier? Do any of the balms work to warm up your hands and make them less stiff?

  3. I think the tiny sock needles are even easier on MY arthritic hands, MK.
    Adam works SO hard. I must not have any lazy bones like me.
    Your house looks great and I am SURE that people are cheered when they drive home.

  4. Your house looks so festive and welcoming. Surely it cheers the drivers-by. The place is looking so tidy with all that mowing and collecting of leaves, and the compost pile is getting huge.

    Love the knitting. I admire all of you knitters so much. God bless!


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