
Sunday, April 16, 2017

Blooming April!

 Our pasture is awash in the glow of buttercups and the aroma of clover. It's wonderful to stroll through them on the way to the garden.
 Because of his hand injury, Adam will be slow to get it all mowed again, but honestly -- he was allowing it to grow a bit so we could enjoy this show!
The doggies love it too.

 I took some of these irises to church this morning in an arrangement.
 These geraniums are from a friend's porch. Isn't the variegated variety breathtaking?
 Adam brought me some carnations the other day just because he's a sweetie.
 Then I made this arrangement for church, all items from our yard.
Knock-out roses, two kinds of iris, English ivy, fern fronds, and some eucalyptus.
Oh -- by the way -- yes, my eucalyptus tree did die :( However, as some of you suggested, it is sending up new sprouts from the base, so it's not really dead. It's just mostly dead (haha!). I will leave it until winter and see how alive it still is. But the brown branches with their circular leaves are so wonderful aromatic! I will save them all, regardless.


  1. Isn't it wonderful to have things blooming so that we can make our Easter bouquets!

    Christ is risen!

  2. Beautiful blooming meadow. This is such a great time of year.

  3. Oh that is gorgeous! Enjoy that beauty that God had blessed you with.
    Your bouquet from your own garden is lovely.

  4. Oh that is gorgeous! Enjoy that beauty that God had blessed you with.
    Your bouquet from your own garden is lovely.

  5. Oh that is gorgeous! Enjoy that beauty that God had blessed you with.
    Your bouquet from your own garden is lovely.

  6. Homegrown bouquets are best! Pretty.

  7. A lovely colourful blog post. I've been too busy to read blogs recently. So I am now catching up and have quite a few left to read.


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