
Monday, May 29, 2017

Beating Last Year's Record?

I remember precisely the day last year when I ate the first red tomato from my garden. It was June 1st, my birthday. It was my garden's present to me. I was despairing of making that same date this year until I strolled through the tomato beds yesterday and saw this!
It's ripening! And it may well be red and edible before Thursday! Yippee!
I know I put this photo of my hilarious chickens (I kid you not, I first typed "children" there, before noticing my mistake) on their apple tree branch in the banner header of this blog, but I just had to post it here too. First time they'd ever all four hopped up there together.
This past week I made lots of new bath salts (in lavender/bergamot), lip balm (in peppermint, lemongrass, and coconut mango), and lots of these lovely lotion bars, all insect-repellent:
These bars sell like hot cakes once the mosquitoes come out. As soon as I say "insect repellent," customers are happy to plop down their money for a bar. And they work really well -- citronella, lemongrass, eucalyptus, tea tree, lavender, rosemary, and cedarwood essential oils (that's a LOT of oil), blend to keep the buggies away, and the coconut oil, infused dandelions, and beeswax make it so good for your skin. When's the last time you put on an insect-repellent product that was good for your skin? What's not to love? I sold so many on Saturday I have to make more this week. They are $5 for a 3 oz. bar that lasts a very long time.
Adam cut out two new Red Robins (well, actually cardinals) for farm decor. We took down the old one on the farm gate, hoping to sand and repaint it, but it was too far gone. He used it as a template for these new ones. Now I must paint them.
The watermelon seeds have cooperated beautifully.
And my new lambs' ears have taken happily to their new raised bed tire container.
We continue to get gorgeous eggs every day. The chickens are healthy and happy with lots of free-range space and a safe coop.
Our nice gas weed eater was stolen from our garage while we were out of town to the wedding, but a very kind friend has given Adam his old weed eater that needed a little TLC. Adam opened it and diagnosed a faulty fuel line. He will repair it this week.
As he tinkered with tiny engines and hoses, I did this ~
~ after a few farm chores yesterday.
I've decided I am now a farm wife. That's my new occupation. I spent many years thinking of myself as a teacher, and of course I will always be a mom even when my kids have flown the nest. But I'm quite ready to stay home, tend chickens, fiddle in the garden, sort seeds, mess with soil in the greenhouse, fuss with farm dogs, move plants around, nurture vegetables and battle weeds. It's my next stage of life, and I'm looking forward to it! If you need me, I'll be in the garden.


  1. Your hens are lovely!! I love that pretty picture of them! What great girls!!! The tomato ripening will be a joyous present!!! I like Adam's carving!

  2. Great looking chickens, I love that photo of them.

    You sound like you are settling in just nicely to being a farm wife.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  3. That's an awesome chicken pic! Love it!
    A ripened tomato by June 1st is amazing. I'm just not setting tomato plants out, and wouldn't you know it, we have a freeze warning for tonight!
    The Bug Off bars are great. I make them too. I'm glad to see you putting your feet up for a while, Good Farm Wife.


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