
Sunday, September 17, 2017

Making Soil

Adam loves making soil. Compost is his favorite farm job. This has been "Compost Central" for the last two years:
The bins in the back are not used now. He's moving his soil-making operations into the garden. He's been mowing and mowing! See?
He wanted to scythe all this tall-grassy area in June, but it was too wet. Now the grasses' stems are too thick and hard and damage his scythe, so he's mowing it all with the push mower. (sigh!)
He's saving the mown grass and putting it in piles in the garden.
Here's a cluster of loofahs developing:
Loofah vines from the outside of the garden. Hello there, Ned! (Ned is becoming SUCH a good dog.)
Loofah vines from the inside. So many dangling down. I'm quite excited!!
Horseradish, looking so healthy. I'm not a horseradish fan, myself, but Adam loves it.
Kale. I'll have more this week. It takes a LOT of kale to make one serving. It dwindles to nothing when you steam it for a minute. This doesn't look like my sister-in-law's kale, and I'm wondering if it really is ....
My blue lake beans that the rabbits have not yet found -- I think I do have some insect nibbling on them. Must keep a vigilant watch.
Adam put some nitrogen-fixing plants (just strewn around in the beds) to help our soil. You see them growing here, like weeds. Also in this bed are my garlic plants, coming up. I want lots of garlic and lots of onions, and I want to braid them and gaze at them next summer :)
Baby, posing proudly with one of her holes. Actually, Ned might have done this one too. Hard to say. They do not sign their work.
Remember Adam's many PVC lines, buried for his watering system? She's found it.
In addition, Baby and Beau got in a real dog fight today, near the barn. I had to scream and be quite domineering to make them stop. Beau has been rather subdued since. Baby's twice his size.
I noticed how pleasant it is to read PomPom's blog, because her photos are large and her text is large and easily readable. So I decided to enlarge both here also. Do you agree? With more time on my hands, I've looked around for new blogs to read. (Yay!! I'm able to stay ahead of blog reading now!) I find that blogs with little photos and tiny text are not appealing. Hmm. We will see. 
That's it from the old farm! A 30-second dog fight is about all the excitement we get around here!


  1. Nice crops! Naughty Baby! Cover that back up! ;)

  2. Everything looking good at the farm. Yes, bigger pictures and font makes easy reading.

  3. Yes, makes it easier to read on my phone. No problem with the tablet though.

  4. There are many varieties of kale, and your plants do look like they belong in the family, though I haven't grown any just like them, either.

    About fonts and other formatting: it also is easier to read if the font has serifs - and lots of white space. I think your blog would be further improved by doing two returns between paragraphs, because in my view the paragraphs don't really show...


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