
Saturday, December 30, 2017

Thank You, Canada!

Here comes the Arctic blast! Are we ready?
*Put straw in new chicken coop for insulation and to eliminate drafts
*Build door on farm dogs' barn bay
*Install heater in farm dogs' barn bay
*Cover eucalyptus tree with hoop house plastic
*Give Sylvie more straw under her broody eggs
*Close off spare rooms in the house and crank up those space heaters!

Yessiree, the cold air is acomin'! Monday night's low will be 16 degrees, but it will feel like 7 degrees. I know that's nothing unusual to some of you tough Northerners, but to us wimpy Southerners, that's bone-chillin', teeth-chatterin', move-me-to-Arizona weather!

On the front porch greenhouse, I eat a little cherry tomato nearly every day. My 3 tomato plants are quite happy.
I zoomed in to photograph this female cardinal outside my window.
 Then Adam hung two bird feeders there, so I can see the birds better, take their pictures, and perhaps include them in future stories.
 Isn't he sweet? All I did was say something about watching birds, and boom! Two bird feeders appear.
The cold weather gives Beau some staticky hair.
 I started my Winter Journal. I tried stitching a snowflake on it, but I'm not quite sure it's a snowflake ....
 I painted this mouse, just for practice. My new story is about a mouse family.
 Speaking of stories, I mailed out three copies of the Punkin story today! I'm so, so excited. I now have 13 copies promised to friends. It's just so fun to share one's creative pursuits.



Finally, I'm weaving again. I warped in a selection of gray/blues and deep reds, with some sparkly yarn thrown in. The weft is a smoky blue. The photos don't do it justice -- this one was a surprise. I pick out yarns, and I load the loom, and I begin weaving ... and that's when I find out if my selections were mediocre or magical. This one is magical for some reason. It is brighter, sparklier, and more rustic than the photos.

Well, stay warm out there, folks. This next week promises to be a doozy. We will be inside, eating soup, thrusting our toes toward the heaters, and going a little stir-crazy. Cheerio!


  1. Pretty colors in your weaving.
    Nice job on the mouse painting. : )
    Hope you stay nice and warm.

  2. Yikes, it is going to be really cold there. Wed. & Thurs. night will be our coldest for this week at 42 and 40, so that means with the wind chill factor, it will feel like it is in the 30's. Brrrr!

    I need to make my 'barn girls' nest a little cozier and warmer.

    Have a wonderful 2018 there at Red Robin Farm ~ FlowerLady

  3. We're -17 right now. Looks like we'll actually get above zero this week! It's an improvement! Sounds like you're very cold for down south! Do you have to duck under your weaving to get around the house? Exciting to see you starting a new one! Good luck on the new story. That Adam takes good care of you! :)

  4. Your mouse is completely adorable. You are one of the most creative and productive people I know! I hope you made it through the storm okay -- or is it still that cold...?


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