
Thursday, March 8, 2018

Circles and Such

 I'm still spinning. Combing, dizzing, and spinning are calm activities.
Plying, dying and wrapping the yarn into skeins are exciting activities.
These two skeins are in an avocado dye.
 On the other side of the stove my homemade chai is reducing.
 Instead of throwing out this celery stump, I'm growing it in the windowsill. I did one last fall and now have a large celery plant, waiting to be transplanted into the garden this spring.
 I can't take much credit for the Bee Balm that is my small business's best seller. Everybody loves it and wants more. I'm shipping five tubs off to New York City today.
 The concoction below, however, is a new product: Healing Herb Ointment. It's a bit greasy, and it smells earthy. But oh-my-goodness ... is it full of good stuff!
 In addition to all these lovely oils and butter and wax, it's infused with plantain, yarrow, and dandelion.
My baby thyme plants are growing.
 One more circle from my house -- this large plate. My mother gave it to me. It was gifted her by an elderly lady whose parents were missionaries in China long ago. The plate came from them, and who knows how old it is and where it came from before that.
 If you don't follow my other blog, here are a few shots of the nearly-finished kitchen. All the shelves are up on the stove-side!

 One more long shelf will go up on the sink-side (below). But the shelves are full now, and the kitchen looks homey.
 Our local thrift store is rearranging for spring, but I found these jars amid the chaos. Those are 1/2 gallon Mason jars, at 50 cents apiece. I was chuffed, as the British say!
Otherwise, farm life is slow now because it's still cold. Freezing temps (just barely) at night, and windy during the day, and cold. I'm eager to put all these herbs in the ground ... but not yet. Not yet.


  1. I did that with the celery a couple of times too.
    Pretty plate.

  2. I'm chuffed for you! You've really achieved the rustic farm kitchen you wanted. It looks like some real cookin' will be taking place there! I have a couple of blue 1/2 gallon Mason jars that I'll put out someday when I have open shelves. ;) You're quickly getting into all the spinning and dying. I look forward to seeing your creations. How are the bees doing?

  3. Those half gallon jars are so nice for many things -- for iced tea, for canning juice, making refrig pickles and I'm sure much more. You could store coffee beans in them too. Your wool dying looks interesting.

    Still cold here too. Expecting snow tonight.


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