
Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Video Tour of the Herb Garden, Etc.

Hello, all. I finally made a little video for you, touring our sunny side yard with the herb garden, rose bushes, and other things. I successfully loaded it into Youtube.(That is no small feat!) Here it is:

I also took photos of various wildflowers blooming on the farm right now -- mid-March. Here they are:
a bright buttercup

sweet little violet

I'm uncertain of this flower's name.

happy dandelion

a different variety of buttercup, I think

Henbit is this weed's name.

 This weed is purple deadnettle (above and below). It is edible. I think I'll pick some for my chickens.
 This is chickweed.

Sweet little chickweed flower

I'm hoping this is calendula, but will wait for its flowers to aid in identification.

Broad-leaf plantain is a wonderful weed.
I have more of the narrow-leaf variety.
 Our Japanese magnolia continues to bloom and hasn't been zapped by frost yet this year.

 Adam made headway with his fencing yesterday. He's about halfway done.
 I sold a shawl at the market on Saturday, so I'm weaving another one.
That's it from the farm!


  1. I really love the joyous colors in that shawl you're weaving! Thanks for the tour. Your voice was very clear. I'm getting so inspired to do some gardening when I get moved out to my daughter's place. It might be too late for this summer by the time I get out there, but it's fun to plan. I had an herb bed many years back and when I decided to take it out and just make it lawn my oregano plant was almost impossible to dig up. The root ball was HUGE. What kind of camera are you using? I bet my camera does videos. I've just never tried! Duh. :)

  2. I love the tour! You have a lot blooming. I didn't realize chickens liked dead nettle! I feed them chickweed all the time and we eat that in our salads as well. I really like your shawl too.


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